Here’s Your.MD’s top tips for a healthy and happy 2017!
- If you have made a resolution for 2017, make sure you really want to achieve it. You can increase success by breaking the resolution into small steps which are measurable and time-based.
- Think about cutting down the amount of alcohol you might drink. It has a lot of hidden calories and has long-term negative health effects.
- Try to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. This may be difficult, but start by adding some fruit to your breakfast (some people may need to discuss first with their doctor).
- If you smoke, try quitting. Smoking has a number of effects on your health. Some of the less well known are poor taste and smell, poor dental health and older-looking skin.
- If you want to lose weight remember that sugary drinks are a hidden source of calories, try substituting them with water.
- Don’t neglect your sleep if you are trying to be healthy in 2017. Lack of sleep can lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. A good night’s sleep will help you live healthily.
- Low self-esteem can stop you from achieving your goals for 2017. One of the first steps towards improving self-esteem is to be kind to yourself, especially at times when you are being very self-critical.
- Think about doing some mindfulness exercises. Being more aware of ourselves and our surroundings can prevent depression.
- Try to beat tiredness by reducing stress levels. Stress uses up a lot of energy, so try and reduce it by taking time to relax. This could be listening to music, reading or spending time with friends.
- Volunteering could boost your start to 2017. It also has benefits for our health, such as boosting self-esteem, decreasing the likelihood of depression and encourages a healthier lifestyle, as well as enabling you to meet some new people.